RTO Push-Ups – Are “Rings Turned Out” Better? – Real Benefits!

RTO or Rings turned out push ups are a variation of ring push-ups that require the rings to be turned out or away from the trainee during the exercise.

Benefits Of RTO Push-ups:

RTO Push-ups have a variety of benefits that make them better than regular push-ups:

  1. RTO or rings turned out is a straight arm support position that increases stability during ring exercises like push-ups and dips.
  2. Turning the rings out not only improves shoulder stability during these exercises but also strengthens the shoulder joint by strengthening the rotator cuff muscles.
  3. Turning the rings out during ring push-ups also increases latissmus dorsi, biceps and upper chest activation.

How To Perform RTO Push-ups

RTO push-ups (obviously) have to be performed on gymnastics rings.
Setup the rings so that they are level and shoulder width apart.

  1. Grab the rings an get into the high plank position.
  2. Take a deep breath and turn the rings out while depressing and protracting the scapula.
  3. Keep the core tight by squeezing the glutes, quads and abs.
  4. Lower yourself to the bottom of the push-up while turning the rings inwards (palms facing your feet)
  5. Pause for a second or two before pushing yourself back up to the starting position while turning the rings back out i.e. turning your palms away from your feet.

Common Errors When Performing RTO Push-ups:

  1. The main error when performing RTO push-ups is moving the hands out to the sides. The hands must stay in the same position, only rotating outward and inward around the same axis.
  2. Another error when performing RTO push-ups is keeping the rings turned out throughout the movement. In order to work the muscles of the rotator cuff, the shoulder joint must rotate inward and outward (internal and external rotation). Thus, the rings must not be kept rotated out throughout the movement, but instead be turned inward at the bottom and only rotated outward at the top.

How To Make RTO Push-ups Harder:

To make RTO push-ups harder, increase the weight carried by your hands. This can be done by performing:

Decline RTO Push-ups – Decline push-ups place more of your bodyweight on your hands, thereby increasing the difficulty of RTO push-ups.

Weighted RTO push-ups – Performing RTO push-ups with a weighted vest or backpack is a great way to progressively overload the exercise.

Bulgarian RTO Push-ups – Bulgarian RTO push-ups take the muscles of the chest, shoulders and triceps through a large range of motion. This exercise can also be performed on a decline, with a weighted vest or backpack to make the exercise even harder.


RTO push-ups are a great way to lean the support hold for harder exercise variations like RTO dips.
Turning the rings out during bodyweight pushing exercise has many benefits which make RTO variations harder and better than traditional push-ups.

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