Hindu Push-ups 

Hindu push-ups are a variation of classic push-ups that has been used for centuries in Indian wrestling and yoga practices.

It’s a challenging movement that engages your entire body, improving your strength, flexibility, and endurance. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Hindu pushups, from how to do them correctly to their many benefits. 

How to Do Hindu Pushups 

Hindu pushups, also known as dand or downward-facing dog pushups, combine elements of yoga and traditional pushups. Here are the steps to perform a Hindu pushup: 

The Starting Position Of Hindu Push-ups 

Begin in a downward-facing dog position with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart, your hips high, and your head down. 

Move your feet closer to your hands, shifting your weight forward until your shoulders are over your hands and your body is in an inverted V shape. 

Lower your hips and move your body forward until your shoulders are in front of your hands and your body is in a straight line. 

Beginning The Hindu Push-up 

Lower your body toward the ground, bending your elbows and keeping them close to your sides. 

Keep your head up and lower your body until your chest almost touches the ground. 

Ending The Hindu Push-up 

Push up, keeping your arms straight, and raise your hips, returning to the starting position. 

Repeat the sequence for your desired number of repetitions. 

Hindu pushups are slightly different from regular pushups, but these are extremely good to build your upper body strength. 

Muscles Worked during Hindu Push-Ups 

Hindu pushups work your entire body, including your chest, shoulders, triceps, back, hips, and legs. They also engage your core muscles, including your abs and lower back, which help to stabilize your body during the exercise. 

Benefits of Hindu Push-Ups 

Improves mobility and flexibility: Hindu pushups require you to move through a range of motion that engages your joints and muscles, improving your flexibility and mobility. 

Excellent Full-Body Exercise: Unlike traditional pushups, Hindu pushups engage your entire body, providing a complete workout in one exercise. 

Strength: Hindu pushups are an effective way to build upper body strength, particularly in your chest, shoulders, and triceps. 

Increase Metabolism: The intensity of Hindu pushups can boost your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day. 

Endurance: Hindu pushups require endurance, making them an excellent way to improve your overall fitness. 

Improve Posture: Because Hindu pushups require proper form, they can help improve your posture, reducing the risk of injury and back pain. 

Hindu Pushups vs Regular Pushups 

The biggest difference between Hindu pushups and regular pushups is the movement involved. Hindu pushups require a greater range of motion and engage more muscles, making them a more challenging exercise. However, both exercises are effective for building upper body strength. 

Alternatives To Hindu Push-ups

If you’re looking for a similar exercise that targets the same muscle groups as Hindu pushups, you can try the Dive Bomber Pushup. The Dive Bomber Pushup is similar to Hindu pushups, but it involves a different movement pattern. 

To perform the Dive Bomber Pushup, start in a downward dog position, then lower your chest towards the ground as you bend your elbows. Once your chest is close to the ground, push your chest forward and upward as you straighten your arms. 

What are Hindu pushups good for? 

Hindu pushups are good for building upper body strength, improving flexibility and mobility, or increasing endurance. They engage your chest, shoulders, triceps, back, hips, and core muscles. 


Hindu pushups are an excellent exercise that offers several benefits, including improved flexibility, strength, and endurance. They’re a great way to mix up your workout routine and challenge yourself. 

However, it’s important to start with beginner exercises and gradually work your way up to more advanced exercises like Hindu pushups. Also, if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine. 

If you’re looking to build upper body strength, endurance, and flexibility, Hindu pushups are a great exercise to incorporate into your workout routine. Give them a try, and see how they can benefit 

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