Decline Ring Push-ups – How To Do Them For Upper Chest

Decline ring push-ups are a variation of push-ups done on gymnastics rings with your feet elevated above the level of the rings.

Benefits of Decline Ring Push-ups:

Decline ring push-ups offer 3 distinct benefits over traditional decline push-ups as the Rings:

  1. Provide an element of instability thereby increasing demands on the core muscles
  2. Allow the muscles to travel through full ranges of motion
  3. Rings can be turned out for additional shoulder health benefits
    Muscles Worked By Decline Ring Push-ups:
    Just like decline push-ups, decline ring push-ups work the muscles of chest, shoulders and triceps with preference towards the upper chest fibers.

How To Perform Decline Ring Push-ups:

To perform decline ring push-ups, you’ll (obviously) need a pair of gymnastics rings.
You also need an object to elevate your feet. You can use, sturdy chairs or boxes for this purpose, but make sure that the object being used is sturdy.

How To Setup Decline Ring Push-ups:

Setting up your gymnastics rings properly for decline ring push-ups is of paramount importance:

  1. Place the rings as close to the ground as possible, making sure there’s ample place for your shoulders and head to pass the rings at the bottom of the push-up.
  2. The rings should be setup at or slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  3. Make sure the rings are level with one another.
  4. Place a chair or box far enough behind the rings so that you can place your feet on it while your hands are on the rings.

Once you’ve setup your rings:

  1. Place your hands on the rings and straighten them out while placing most of your bodyweight on them.
  2. Place one leg on the box or chair behind you before placing the other leg up as well.
  3. Take a deep breath while squeezing your glutes, quads and abs. This ensures that you maintain core tightness throughout them movement
  4. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the rings, while maintaining core tightness.
  5. Pause at the bottom for a second or two before straightening out your elbows and pushing yourself back up to the starting position.

How To Make Decline ring Push-ups Harder:

To make decline ring push-ups harder, simply increase the elevation of your feet.
The higher your feet are above the level of your hands, the more of your bodyweight is placed on your hands.
You can also make decline ring push-ups harder by doing them with a weighted vest or backpack.

How To Make Decline Ring Push-ups Easier:

To make decline ring push-ups easier, simply lower the level of elevation of your feet.

Variations of Decline ring Push-ups

The following exercises are the different variations of decline ring push-ups:

  1. Weighted Decline Ring Push-ups
  2. Paused Decline Ring Push-ups
  3. Bulgarian Decline Ring Push-ups
  4. Decline RTO (Rings Turned Out) Push-ups
  5. Decline Archer Ring Push-ups

Alternatives To Decline Ring Push-ups

The 2 main alternatives to decline ring push-ups are:

  1. Handstand Push-ups
  2. Dips (although dips work the lower chest more than the upper chest)
  3. Regular Weighted Push-ups

Decline ring push-ups are one of the best upper chest and shoulder building exercises in calisthenics.
The rings offer increased range of motion that improves muscle and strength gain on a rep-by-rep basis.

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